Membership Benefits

  • Free/special rate attendance at IMCS organized Conferences, seminars, workshops and other opportunities for professional development and participation in IMCS’s business development programmes
  • Participation in Mentoring / Apprenticeship Programmes for junior consultants through collaboration in joint project assignments
  • Regular Members’ Evenings for networking and sharing of knowledge, information and experience
  • Representation of members’ collective views and interests to appropriate parties and authorities both at National and International levels
  • Complimentary copies of the Journal of Management Consulting published in USA
  • eNewsletters on consultancy news and the Institute’s affairs
  • Participation in Members Business Development Programmes
  • Discounts on attendance at the training programmes organized by the Institute

Membership Development Progress For Student Members

Student members who had successfully completed the Institute’s Graduate Certificate in Management Consultancy (GCMC) Programme can proceed to apply for Associate or Ordinary membership, subject to satisfying the membership requirements.
